Your Contributions Help Preserve A Rich History of Afro American Arts and Culture
Tax Information: The Department of Afro-American Research, Arts, and Culture is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to the Department of Afro-American Research, Arts, and Culture are tax-deductible to the extent law permits. DAARAC's tax identification number is 83-4288621. [990 PF, 2020, 2021, 2022]
DAARAC is an educational based organization, which focuses on the preservation of Afro-American arts and culture. Afro American accomplishments and contributions are lost to history, or their impact is mostly discredited. Highlighting these contributions and showing their existence within a given society will create an understanding amongst cultures into the effects of the Afro American experiences.
Publications and Articles
Our organization has become a reliable resource for a variety of institutions, scholars, and collectors, so we plan to publish authored material on various topics. We have done extensive research on Afro-American film history for the 20th century and how this impacts society and the psychology of individuals. We have defined multiple areas of Afro-American arts and culture that help us organize our narratives.
Public Speaking and Presentations
Over the last ten years, DAARAC has accumulated a mass amount of material and information that relates to the protection of Afro-American arts and culture. The substance of this information has led to successful presentations with audiences highly engaged. We plan to continue in this direction with increased activity outside of Greensboro, NC. Appearances will include traveling to other universities, institutions, and organizations to serve as a guest speaker.